Monday, July 03, 2006

its been awhile..

rite.. so i havent been posting for a long time.. hell.. theres nothing to talk about nowadays.. so.. ya know the story.. nothing ever really happens... but lately.. world CUP!!.. IFF n IU day.. we all made abt a 40k.. so madam teh says.. hmmm.. the inai thingy.. turned out not bad afterall.. got several customers.. lol.. one after another.. no break... n siew was pestering me about it since the day before.. woke up early.. like around 5 ... coz ma sis was going for cheer.. so i was actualy in skewl at 6 on fri.. hahah.. before i knew it.. it was already 9am... n it started.. n the cream thing was .. lets just say .. it got quite a good reception..

later that day.. went to cheer 2k6.. i missed the queens n shewanez performance.. but saw them the next day.. shewanez this year... to be honest sucked.. the coach .. wasnt there.. n he was at another skewl.. probably coaching them.. ironicaly.. they won best newcomer.. booo..!! phew.. been really tired the passed few days.. wcup.. iff.. blablabla.. exams are nearing again as usual.. n i think i;ve got it covered.. but.. not even close.. T,T.. blegh...

for the passed 2-3 months.. its been really ... mild.. dull... nothing that .. makes me go WOW.. yet... i'm really looking forward too the year end.. wonder how issit like life after spm.. skewl.. sighs... congrats to all those who can drive now.. man.. my birthday was in apr.. n i only can take it later.. thanks to a certain sumbodi.. hmmph.. haihz

shes been working very hard.. days that go by.. i see her.. woah.. dont dare to even say hi.. she looks so bz..


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